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Who is your current waste management provider?

How many bags a week do you currently dispose of?

How often would you like your waste collected?

What type of service do you require?

When do you want the waste collection to start?

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Discover the essentials of efficient and compliant business waste disposal with our expert guide. Use our free quote tool to unlock pricing from the UK's top commercial waste companies.

Commercial waste is any waste produced by your business. Only licensed waste carriers are legally allowed to collect this rubbish from your premises.

For a business owner, finding an affordable and reliable waste collection service is a key consideration. Whether it's recyclables, hazardous materials, or clinical waste, we can help you to find the perfect disposal solution.

Frequently asked questions

Commercial waste experts answer our customers most common questions.

Waste collection prices are affected by several different variables. For instance, the type of waste generated can change the price of collection (expect hazardous waste to be more expensive than general waste).

The amount of waste, and frequency of collections also affect costs. Daily waste collections will always cost more than weekly waste pickups. Keep these factors in mind when requesting your quote.
Yes, it's possible for any business to dispose of their own waste. However, to transport or dispose of commercial waste it is necessary to be a ‘registered waste carrier’. This costs around £150 per year.

In addition, you will be required to keep written records of your waste disposal for a minimum of two years. Also, remember to include the costs of operating a waste disposal vehicle and the cost of rubbish disposal at a licensed facility.

The hassle involved in becoming a registered waste carrier leads many businesses to seek an affordable waste collection service instead.

The rules regarding business waste are governed by the Environmental Protection Act 1990. All businesses must store waste safely and dispose of it properly. Every UK business must comply with these rules.

Failing to dispose of business waste legally may have serious consequences. Up to £5,000 in prosecution penalties can be applied for breaching your duty of care.

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