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An EPOS system is an all-in-one system that enables your company to take electronic card payments and manage several other aspects of your business. Use our free quote tool to unlock pricing from the UK's top EPOS suppliers

EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) is a modern version of a cash till. It's an electronic system used to handle customer transactions and manage stock levels. Generally, EPOS refers to a combination of software and hardware such as a touchscreen device, cash till, and card payment machines.

As all customer orders are tracked, it's possible to find and plan for your busiest sales periods, while also monitoring employee productivity.

Frequently asked questions

EPOS system experts answer our customers most common questions.

The price of EPOS systems varies depending on the supplier and the components you select. Think about exactly what your business requires before purchasing. It's also possible to pay on finance or rent EPOS systems if paying upfront is difficult.
EPOS systems interlink hardware and software. An example of this is a customer paying via a card machine. Data is transferred via software from the card machine to the touchscreen device so that the transaction is recorded and stored for accounting purposes.
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