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Vehicle tracking systems utilise technology to constantly locate your vehicles which has huge benefits for route planning and productivity. Use our free quote tool to unlock pricing from the UK's top vehicle tracking companies.

Vehicle tracking systems are a combination of GPS tracking devices and software programmes. Data is transmitted from your vehicles to your computers, giving your business access to a large amount of helpful information.

When used efficiently, vehicle tracking systems can improve driver productivity, reduce fuel consumption, and help drivers to avoid delays.

Frequently asked questions

Vehicle tracking experts answer our customers most common questions.

There's a range of vehicle tracking options to choose from. For systems from reliable, established companies expect to pay between £20 to £35 per vehicle each month. It's possible to get cheaper systems, but the quality and after sales support may not be quite as good.
Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to locate your vehicles and drivers, there are many other advantages to vehicle tracking.

It's possible to avoid congestion and road traffic accidents by implementing alternative routes. Fuel usage can be tracked and optimised. Driver behaviour can be monitored and if necessary rectified.

In addition, all the data vehicle tracking software collects can be used for future route planning and scheduling.

Data from each vehicle is collected from a GPS device fitted to the vehicle. This device is able to track location, driving habits, and information from the vehicle's dashboard and engine.

All of this information is then transferred wirelessly to software on your office computers. The software will automatically organise the data into easy to read dashboards which you can use to benefit your business

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